Metal Monkey (user #301)

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I am currently a microbiology graduate student in the wilds of Idaho. I am also a wannabe speculative writer. Not surprisingly, the two are not completely incompatible.
As for my user name, refer to the Chinese zodiac.
Previous links: 20050317 - thread - The Encyclopedia of Diderot & d'Alembert 20050210 - thread - Bird Type Specimens 20050116 - thread - Pongomania! 20041124 - thread - Alexander Graham Bell Notebooks Project 20041119 - thread - Early Office Museum 20041101 - thread - Twilit Grotto 20040806 - thread - AntWeb 20040731 - thread - Japanese Temple Geometry 20040702 - thread - An Ancient Greek Computer 20040316 - thread - De Humani Corporis Fabrica 20040227 - thread - A Weekly Dose of Architecture

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